Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Very Best Part of my Day
The very best part of my day is right before Aiden goes to bed. Lac comes home in the evening and takes Aiden for his bath and bed time routine. The whole thing takes 30 minutes. After he's been bathed and dressed, my little boy comes running out to see me as if he hasn't seen me in forEVER. It's so cute and makes my heart melt every time. Even cuter is his new winter look...Dada pulls his socks up to his knees. The thing that breaks my heart is every once in a while, when I'm not home, Aiden comes running out and is so perplexed when he doesn't see me. Actually I've been told he gets a WTF look on his face. This happened the other day even though he walked me out to the car and saw me drive away. So sweet.....
Pumpkin Patch
Aiden loved his first trip to a mega pumpkin patch, well any pumpkin patch. It was another story for Mama who found the whole thing really stressful: lots of people, really long lines, and hardly any decent food. Note to self, try the neighborhood patch next time and study up on being zen before the Disneyland trip. 

Aiden's obsession with bikes comes in handy while Mama and Dada take turns waiting in line for the graveyard train trip for 1.5 hours. No joke.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Breaking news !!! Postman revealed!
I am coming out of my self imposed blog posting exile to deliver some late breaking news. The identity of the most sought after postman has been finally revealed. No more investigative work required. The confirmation has come straight from the horse's mouth (or should we say Colt). I knew it had to be someone in our inner circle.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Aiden and Dada
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Aunties and Uncles: Laughing
Sadly it seems that Chocolate-Daddy has taken a temporary Chocilla hiatus. Feel free to let him know how much you miss him!
In the mean time I want to share more about our exciting summer. Two of Aiden's Aunties visited us from overseas: Auntie Pam from India and Auntie ChiChi (and Uncle Adam) from New Zealand. Even better, they over-lapped for a couple of days. Aiden was very fond of both his aunties and we have some great pictures of our time together which I hope to share in future posts.
This video shows Aiden trying to imitate Auntie Chichi's wild laughter. The first couple of tries knock him over. Later he gets the hang of it and actually braces himself by hunching down.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This video was taken a month ago at the SF Lindy Exchange. It's Aiden's first time dancing. Now he loves to dance every time he hears music.
You'll see him falling a lot which is a sure sign he should be sleeping. By the time we got to the dancing, he'd already had a full day. First we met Quita, Uncles Rick and Jonathan and Aunties Elena and Helena at the Farmers' Market in the SF Ferry Building. There Aiden sampled all the fruit he and his Dada could get by flirting with the ladies giving out samples. He also had a workout pushing a cooler (twice his size) here and there, including under a truck.
The plan was for him to nap on the way to the market and he did, sort of, but only for 20 minutes - hardly enough to keep him going the rest of the day. He's tired and cranky but in classic Aiden style, he's still able to find a moment for fun.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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