Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There are a few things that Daddy does with Aiden that scare the bejeezus out of Mommy but the boy absolutely loves and can't have enough of. It's things like "Towel roll" soon after bath time, where the boy goes for a roll when the towel is flipped with him laying on top it, the "laptop hold", that's been documented on this blog before and then there's the "Upside down push up". He likes being held upside down on daddy's back so he can practice his push ups. There's a few other things that will remain undocumented. You never know if child services or even worse, Lac's Mom, is monitoring this blog :)

Vitus ?

Aiden's favorite toy in the last couple of days has been this piano that he received as a present from grandma for Easter. It makes all kinds of funny noises and he loves banging on it all day long. Could this be an early indicator that we have a child prodigy on hand ? This could be Mommy and Daddy's lucky ticket to fame & riches :)

Who doesn't like a good manicure ?

Clipping nails is not always as easy as this picture seems to suggest. But the boy likes being fussed over by his Mommy. Not sure where he gets that from.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Like Father Like Son

I know I shouldn't encourage this but we got this "Player" onesie as a gift and, just like his dad, Aiden looks gorgeous in black.

Could Aiden's Eyes be any Bigger???

Ummm...Sweetie, that's our baby, not a laptop

When Daddy picks up Aiden like this, it's the signal that his bedtime routine is about to begin.
The only thing more surprising than this mode of transportation is how much Aiden likes it!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On Top of Spaghetti, take two

The first time we tried this, Dad forgot his lines and we had to abort it midway. I thought that the second take was a lot better but the kid wasn't all that impressed. In fact he seemed downright bored and let out a big yawn. Either that or he's got the attention span of a house ant.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What's on the menu today Mommy ?

One of Aiden's favorite pastimes soon after waking up is hanging out in bed with Mommy and looking out the window. They pull up the window shades and look out to see what the new day holds for them. Depending on the weather, strategic decisions are made that could easily alter the course of world history

To toy or not to toy

In response to a previous posting, friends from Texas - Cindy and Rosemarie, sent over some bath toys for Aiden. Their thinking was that he would soon get bored of indulging in his favorite bath time activity and it was time that he had some real toys to play with. He sure enjoys playing with these new toys, but as to whether that means his allegiances have completely changed, I'll let you be the judge of that