I've been wanting to post more pictures from our OC trip to cousin Monique's wedding back in May. Where did the time go? Not only was it the occasion of Aiden's big rig drive but it was also the first time he wore a suit. If there were a sound track to this post, it would be "What a difference a day makes".
(You already seen this one but its cute enough to post again...) Here's Aiden working hard for his money.
But he cleans up real nice!
The trip was a great opportunity to meet new family and bond with some favorites. Here's Aiden with Aunty Helena and Uncle Rick.
With Quita
Our family. We may spend each day together but the family portraits are few and of questionable quality so I love this one.
Once we finished taking pictures and actually got to the wedding, Aiden partied like a rock star, entertaining guest late into the night - and way past his bedtime. He created new tricks (like the splits) which have since come in handy and showed off the old faithful - crawling around on the floor.

Aiden with cousin Yvette and Aunt Alma.
This was also the occasion of our first "dangerously honest moment". You know when a child says something about how he or she sees the world and its something the rest of us would probably censor. Aiden pointed to and commented on Aunt Alma's "beard". Luckily she didn't hear or understand what he said. I don't think anyone else did either. She's not a blog reader so let's just keep this one to ourselves. For the record, Aunt Alma, we think you are beautiful just the way you are.
And....I saved my favorite picture for last. Aiden and Uncle Rick sharing a moment before we headed off to the wedding.
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