Anyhow, our trip to India revealed a new adventure I hadn't heard about which was made all the more delicious by physical proof, let's call it Graffiti Goan Style.

The artist is none other than 10 year old Chocolate-Daddy and the hiroglyphics boil down to this: Squatters' Mama you own many coconut trees.
"Mama" is Lac's departed grandmother (that's actually what they call her). The canvas is Mama's front door. A stick covers the word "Aba" which refers to the squatters who had set up house on Mama's property in a derogatory way. The coconuts refer to Mama's status as a property owner.
Mama was not at all happy with the new decorations on her front door but I find it really interesting that she didn't paint over them. Was Mama rolling in laughter at her grandson's antics when he wasn't looking?
P.S: The squatters are still there.
it is very sweet . . . and i guess Mama thinks so too :)